Project leader
Project and research coordinator
Project: Eco-evolutionary causes and consequences of plasmid-mediated horizontal gene transfer
Project: The eco-evo-devo of social personalities
Project: Social determinants of evolvability
Project: The evolution of human cooperation
Project: Towards a quantitative evolutionary theory of caste-specific senescence in social insects
Project: Prebiotic evolution and systems chemistry
Project: A first realistic quantitative test of sex ratio modification theory in a wild population
Project: Shorebird movement and individual strategies
Project: The evolution of parental sex roles
Project: Eco-etho-evolutionary feedbacks in spatial models of movement strategies
Project: On the origin and function of phenotypic variation in bacteria
Project: Mechanistic models for predator-prey coevolution
Project: The eco-evo-devo of migration syndromes
Project: Architectural determinants of evolutionary innovations
Project: A mechanistic understanding of the evolution of antibiotic resistance
Project: Implications of sexual conflict and sexual selection on diversification and speciation